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Green Earth Grocery
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347 Newton St., Toledo, OH 43604
M-Sat, 9-8 Sun, 11-6
(513) 562-4584
45 East Hickory St., Columbus, OH 43207
M-F, 9-5 Sat., 10-6 Closed Sunday
(513) 313-8954
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Herbs for Sinus Relief
Herbs can help clear blocked nasal passages that trap mucus and lead to infection.
Facials in Four Simple Steps
Simple steps for weekly at-home facials to keep skin glowing at an affordable price.
Hard-Boiled Egg Diet for Weight Loss
It may help you lose weight, but it’s not for the long haul.
Asthma Triggers and Remedies
If you have asthma, you probably have allergies too.
Eco-Friendly Spring Cleaning
Mopping up mildew and scouring away grime doesn’t have to mean exposing your household to toxic cleaning solutions.
Cleansing Herbs for a Fresh Start
Here are some natural ways you can cleanse and detox during the spring or any season!
Butterfly Pea Powder
<p>Blue matcha&nbsp;has been touted for helping with mood, blood sugar, weight loss, and skin health.</p>
Your Gut Microbiome
Take care of your body's composting system.
The History and Uses of Black Seed Oil
One active ingredient led a researcher to call black seed a “miracle herb.”
How to Increase Your "Good Cholesterol"
High-density lipoprotein (HDL) helps rid the body of the bad cholesterol that contributes to heart disease.
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