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347 Newton St., Toledo, OH 43604
M-Sat, 9-8 Sun, 11-6
(513) 562-4584
45 East Hickory St., Columbus, OH 43207
M-F, 9-5 Sat., 10-6 Closed Sunday
(513) 313-8954
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Avoid Disease With Detox
"The more fat you have, the more toxins you retain," explains Brenda Watson, CNC. "The more toxins you retain, the harder it becomes to lose weight." The solution? Minimize your exposure to...
Have trouble sleeping? Consider these remedies and techniques.
Drink Your Greens
We all know fruit and vegetables are good for us. They help lower our risk for obesity, heart disease, and Type 2 diabe-tes. Yet, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, only...
Herbal Relief for Allergies
Allergies plague many of us. Fortunately, some remedies from Mother Nature can reduce or eliminate your suffering. It's almost always easier to prevent allergy symptom flare-up than to stop full-...
Love Hurts: The Science of a Broken Heart
While love is in the air as Valentine's Day nears, some may literally be sick of romance. Specifically those who are feeling lonely or have just gone through a break up. Although it may take time to...
The Truth About Chocolate
Dark and in moderation, chocolate is good for you. For years it was your favorite food. Then everyone said that chocolate was bad for you. For decades, it occupied the "least recommended" tip at the...
20 Ways to Regain Balance
Here are 20 tips for well-being. Bee pollen contains B-complex vitamins, vitamin C, essential fatty acids, minerals, and plant sterols. It has an antimicrobial effect, exhibits strong antioxidant...
Keep Your New Year's Resolution
What makes a New Year's resolution stick? Those Nike commercials made it sound so simple: Just do it. But when it comes to acting on our healthy resolutions, lots of us just . . . don't. Some of the...
Let’s face it: No matter how good (or bad) your energy levels are, you always wish you had a bit more pep. You probably already rely on at least a few herbs to keep you going. Herbal caffeine in the...
Food Allergy-Friendly Holiday Cooking and Entertaining Tips
Special holiday recipes often come with secret ingredients that are passed down from generation to generation. But, sometimes these tasty dishes contain allergic triggers and may be harmful for...
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